Find a Tutor Today


Find a tutor right away. Here are my tips for success:

* Search WyzAnt's huge tutor database. It's truly amazing. They have 40,000 listings, all verified, and you can even pay securely through their site. Rates are quite good, sometimes as low as $30 per hour. Here are a few listings to get you started:Just type on your specific subject and zip code, and you'll be on your way to academic success today.

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Powered by WyzAnt Tutoring• Try a tutoring center, and be picky. For the student, it doesn’t matter much whether the tutor works for herself or for a company. What matters is the tutor herself — personality, qualifications, teaching skills. You may find that a big center, such as Sylvan Learning Center, Kumon, or Kaplan, is the best resource in your area. In that case, give them a call. And don’t hesitate to work with someone else if the first person assigned to you isn't a great fit. Click for a list of recommended tutoring centers. • Ask around. Teachers and professors may know of a good private tutor; guidance counselors are also a good resource. Fellow students and parents may have referrals.

• Check with a local college or university for student tutors. For example, email the local university English department to ask for a writing tutor. Student tutors often charge less than a professional tutor.

• Tap into online or in person parents’ networks for resources. • If you’re low-income, look for nonprofits that offer tutoring or may help you find a tutor. Most will only serve low-income students.

• If you belong to a religious organization, check there for tutors. You may find a willing volunteer.

• Scout online for private tutors in your area. Dig past the first page of Google results. (Remember, most tutors are out there tutoring, not beefing up their websites.) Find someone in your area with at least three good references, and check those references.

More Resources

Tutoring centers: An excellent resource

Independent Tutors

Online Tutoring Services

Understand Sylvan Learning Centers

Learn about Tutoring Club options

How much will it cost? Here’s my take on rates.

Are you a tutor? Link from Find a Tutor to Tips for Tutors

If your child is in special education and you're wondering how to offer support, visit this supportive parent's guide to understanding the IEP process and school success.


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