ACT SAT Test Preparation
ACT SAT Test Preparation Those big tests are looming, right? Your child is taking standardized tests that, fairly or not, help determine his or her future. You can relax! There are many ways to prepare for the tests, and I've got all the resources you need right here. From private tutors at affordable rates to discounts on professional test preparation, it's here. Read on. Best test prep optionsOverall, here are the best ways to prepare for standardized tests. You can use some or all of them, depending on what your child needs: * Test preparation classes, geared to the ACT or SAT. I suggest you use this link to get up to $100 on Princeton Review SAT© or ACT© courses. * Independent tutors specializing in test preparation. There are hundreds of these, and I've partnered with WyzAnt to help you find them. Simply search this page to locate an affordable test prep tutor near you. * Work with a local tutoring center. There are many of these, and the most common in many communities is Sylvan Learning Center. Get in touch with them to find out more about their test prep offerings. * Use study materials. It's easy to find great test prep materials at your online bookstore. For the ACT, try this ACT study guide Help you child find her motivationStudents do best when they are personally motivated to succeed. Talk to your child about what she hopes for - a scholarship to a great school? Opportunities to study something of interest to him? The chance to see a new part of the world, maybe, or to meet interesting people? Participate in a world-class athletics program? Then explain why you believe doing well on a standardized test can help your child do what is important to her. Once she's on board, the studying will be a lot easier. Make a plan together, letting your child take the lead in figuring out when and how to study. When she feels in control, you'll see better results. Here's to your child's great success!