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Awesome Tutor

111 Nowhere Road

Pacifica, CA 94044



I am an experienced tutor who has worked with students individually and in groups for several years; I have a graduate degree in writing from Fancy College and a BA in English from State University.

In my private tutoring practice, I work with students in basic mathematics, geometry, algebra, and trigonometry as well as social sciences, study skills and organization, and test preparation.

As a volunteer study group leader in the Opportunity Project, a San Francisco nonprofit, I have enjoyed many opportunities to support English students in their learning.

I strive to connect students to successful learning in meaningful ways and to make each session rich in content and enjoyable for the student.

In addition to my tutoring practice, I am also a professional writer.


Private Tutor and Academic Coach, 2002-present. (see above)

Volunteer Group Leader, Opportunity Project, San Francisco. Fall 2005 to present. Each week, I facilitate several tutorial groups for English students. My work in the tutoring groups focuses on helping the students integrate the material the instructor has presented in class, while supporting them through their reading and writing processes. Because many of the students in this program speak English as a second language, I explain grammar and language usage in addition to broader issues of structure, voice, and organization. When working with advanced composition students, I challenge them to develop sophisticated theses that they can support with appropriate textual references. I strive to show all students how to create and analyze their own writing.

Tutor, Disabled Students Programs and Services, Thompson Boys’ School. Spring 2005I worked one-on-one with disabled students in a variety of subjects, including all levels of English courses, music theory, geometry, algebra, and basic mathematics.

Instructor, Writing Workshops, Oct. 2004-presentMy ongoing and one-day private workshops include writing exercises, discussion of texts, and discovering tools for overcoming creative blocks. I encourage participants to use language with joy and creativity and to over-ride negative beliefs about their ability as writers.


Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing (M.F.A.), Hampshire College, Nowhere, Vermont. January 2006. Concentration: Fiction. My master’s thesis was a full-length novel, for which I am now pursuing publication. During my MFA program, I wrote several critical papers and successfully completed a teaching practicum.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Rice University, Atlanta, Georgia. August 1991 to May 1995. Major: English. (See Academic Awards, below.)My interests as an undergraduate merged the study of comparative religion with an examination of the role of gender in Victorian novels. In addition to religion and literature courses, I also took classes in physical sciences, humanities, women’s studies and music.


Dean’s Merit Scholar, Rice University, 1991-1995National Merit Scholar, Rice University, 1991-1995Phi Beta Kappa, 1995


American Society of Press Editors Award winner, 2000Magazine Association of Virginia Award winner, 2000


In addition to the print publications listed below, my work has appeared on Web sites, in newsletters, and in marketing materials for a variety of organizations.

San Diego ChronicleJournal of TutoringNowhere Valley VoiceA Publication You’ve Never Heard Of


Features Editor, Nowhere Valley Voice 1997-1999; 2001 to presentI currently prepare significant sections of a respected neighborhood newspaper for publication each month. I first began working with the Voice more than a decade ago, and our wonderful working relationship has flourished ever since.

Writer & Editor1995 to 2006In addition to the positions listed below, I have worked consistently as a contract writer and editor since 1995. My clients have included [insert names]. I regularly produce Web site content, online and print marketing materials, direct mail copy, catalog descriptions, collateral, and targeted news and feature articles.

Assistant Editor, IIE Problems and Industrial Solutions, Institute of Part-Time Engineers1999-2000Writing, researching, editing, proofreading, interviewing—I learned many aspects of the magazine business while working for two award-winning publications tailored to the interests of industrial engineers.


Please see reference sheet document.