A great writing tutor is a huge help

Writing Tutor

I worked as a writing tutor for several years, and I loved seeing what a big difference good help makes in an English student's success. You may not know how to find the right person to help, however, and what your options are.

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Types of tutors: from peers to pros

When choosing a writing tutor, you have a lot of options. Maybe you've got a friend who's acing English and can help, or maybe you'd rather work with a professional who has credentials and a track record. (If that's the case, search the listings above!)

* Professors and teachers may be willing to meet one-on-one with students. Check into office hours or after-school meeting times.

* At college, teaching assistants may also offer individual help, or students may have access to an on-campus tutoring lab. A few cutting-edge institutions even offer their students online tutoring. Ask around, and don’t be shy! Lots of great tutoring resources don’t get used because students don’t know they exist.

* In K-12 grades, student teachers could be a good resource for struggling students. Parents may also be willing to serve as volunteer tutors.

* If you belong to a religious organization, ask about tutoring help there.

* Low-income families may qualify for free tutoring resources. The downside of free tutoring is that you may not get what you need. Volunteer tutors may have many other commitments, be poorly trained, or be unable to provide long-term assistance. Tutoring centers on college campuses tend to offer limited session times. Professional help may be the better solution.

Who's the best? How to assess writing tutors' skills and credentials

Not all tutors are created equal.

If you want the best English tutoring, look for someone with a BA or Master’s degree in English (or Writing or Composition) and a year or two (minimum) experience teaching or tutoring. The degrees you'll be interested in include: MA in English, MFA in Creative Writing, MA or higher in Rhetoric and Composition, or an MA in Comparative Literature.

Of course, people with those qualifications are often teaching their own classes, so they can be a little tough to find—and you’ll have to lure yours with competitive fees. A respected tutoring center in your area will be able to locate some good English tutors.How much will it cost? Click here for my tutoring rates page.

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